The 10 commandments of social media.
Just like being a good citizen. We can be good social media participants. That requires us to be mindful of our actions and responses while being on social media. Here are ten commandments to keep in mind when engaging in social media.
There were 15 commandments of social media, but one of my iPad tablets broke on the way down from the mountain…
I. Thou shalt not post arguments that sound like you just completed a round of Mad Libs.
II. Thou shall take a deep breath and wait 15 minutes before posting to “school” someone.
III. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s post without attribution.
IV. Thou shalt update thine account photo.
V. Thou shalt not post anything you wouldn’t share with an employer.
93% of hiring managers will review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision (Jobvite 2014 survey). 55% reconsider based on what they find.
VI. Thou shalt not transmit thine privates.
Did you know that 1/3 of child pornography are originally posted by children sharing photos with each other? Source: Jamie Bartlett “The Dark Net”.
VII. Thou shall not present a lazy or willful misinterpretation of a person or event to drive traffic or outrage.
(Ahem, Clickbait).
VIII. If thou trolls, use good grammar or you’ll sound like you’re grunting your response.
IX. If thou wouldn’t say it on stage in front of a 90,000-person stadium, don’t say it online.
To make matters worse, most platforms will capture keywords of what you text to build profiles and predictions and send ads based on what you say.
X. Thou shall not stop what you are doing simply because you found out someone is wrong on the Internet.
Otherwise, you’ll be very busy a very long while.
Hey, I wrote a book about being mindful in the new age of content.
Does This News Make You Look Fat? A book about media consumption and how the way we consume it makes us intellectually obese. Preview or buy the ebook at Amazon.