The deliciously dangerous and euphoric period of a con game.
A con game is a form of marketing. The only difference is the quality of the product.

Advertising agency culture. The key to solving racism in the industry.
How decisions on race can get blended and hidden in agency culture.

The power of consistent content. What Facebook’s content lawsuit reveals.
How the content we consume can actually consume us.

Businesses have a plan for essential workers. Automate the essential part.
Viruses in a supply chain aren’t a problem for the emerging robots and smart devices.

Breathe. You do it to live. Now use it to live better.
How breathing can help you clear the air of stress and other health issues.

Voice experiences will be the future or the end of your business.
With 843 million business users projected next year, the business of voice will be your business.

Working from home? Meet your new boss. Structure.
Routine and structure. Bring it on home while you’re working from home.

The B(r)and is breaking up. How music services like Spotify are killing artist brands.
What you don’t see (artist metadata) can’t hurt you. But it will hurt musicians.